Friday, August 20, 2010

The work begins

Many years earlier, a Fish Factory had existed at the site of the parking area. All that remained were large blocks of concrete foundation in several locations. It was unsightly and of no significant historical value. It was also the place where Janelle Paton was left following her murder. Consequently, the public felt this place had a bad feeling and Islanders didnt want to go there anymore.

The first job that we took on to do was to remove the concrete blocks. Thanks to Jimbo and his machinery; the blocks were broken up and taken away. There were many holes and dips in this area so he carted soil and top dressed it, levelling as he went.

After several weeks this place began to grass up again and look better. Another working bee saw us build about 6 pallet boxes around new trees that we planted. One of these trees, a whitewood; was planted in Janelles memory.

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