Friday, August 27, 2010

May 2010 Woody Weed Roadside Cleanup

The Woody Weed Roadside Cleanup fizzled a bit this year; maybe it was my doing as over time there have been some changes. Some of the roads which had been 1km in length ended up being the entire road as it became harder to find people willing to organise a section. Also this year I did not organise a draw for a winning team - mostly because the economic situation is so bad just now I didnt have the heart to ask for donations of food and grog from establishments that are struggling.

We had support from some road teams who got completed in the month of May but some promised to get to it later in the year and some were not interested at all. It was disappointing but we are thankful for those people who were able to participate this year. As always their efforts beautify our roadsides and make it a more beautiful place for our visitors to see and for us to live. Thanks Yorlye

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